To maintain effective communication on issues in complex situations arising from the application of NHS Continuing Healthcare criteria and the outcomes, including a range of inter-organisational professionals including GPs and Health Professionals, patients and families and providers as appropriate. Establish and maintain communication networks to support care home staff, community staff and hospital multi-disciplinary teams through the process of NHS Continuing Healthcare/funded nursing care assessment. To liaise with patients, carers relatives and/or their representatives e.g. solicitors, advocates in all aspects of CHC and FNC including PHBs. To liaise with colleagues in the multidisciplinary/ multiagency teams, private and voluntary sector to arrange and monitor care for patients once a decision has been made in relation to CHC. To develop and maintain effective communication with professionals in other Health and Social Care organisations and outside agencies both in the public and private sector on complex matters regarding NHS Continuing Healthcare care and specialist equipment. To manage referrals and enquiries, providing patients, relatives, NHS staff, social care staff and members of the public with information and advice relating to eligibility for NHS Continuing Healthcare, Funded Nursing Care and Personal Health Budgets.