As Lead for CHC Operations in BNSSG ICB you will be responsible for: day-to-day operational performance of the service. leading services to drive transformational change towards excellence, providing reports and audits to give system assurance of quality and governance in service delivery.. supporting the current clinical leadership team in effective recruitment, then training and developing of staff knowledge, skills and experience within the service to achieve low attrition rates and ensure staff feel valued and able to excel. leading on development work and projects across the Funded Care Services within the ICB, and participating in similar across the health and social care network, forging joint working and a collaborative approach, with the patient central to all decision-making. representing the BNSSG ICB Funded Care Team in local, regional and national platforms, such as communities of practice and NHS England forums. developing your own knowledge and skills to the point of being a subject expert in matters pertaining to Funded Care service delivery. These include, but are not restricted to: the National Framework for Continuing Healthcare, the Mental Capacity Act, NHS England and BNSSH ICB Policies, Personal Health Budgets, Safeguarding, Inclusivity and Person Centred Care, Quality Standards and IT innovation in healthcare.