The postholder will provide professional business advice and support to each of the three HCPs, ensuring that there is clear understanding of the financial position and that the financial targets are supported and delivered. The postholder will engage with place-based system finance leads to ensure that HCP strategic and annual financial plans are developed which will ensure the most effective use of resources in the interests of improving patient safety and care. The postholder will support the place-based system finance leads to produce joint HCP financial plan, ensuring that opportunities to achieve savings across the health and social care economy are realised. The postholder will engage with each of the three place-based system finance leads in implementing any investment decisions and alignment of incentives and risks within each HCPs and wider system to drive transformational change. The postholder will play a key role in the decision making around potential service change and developing new pathways supporting the associated financial modelling. The postholder will support the evaluation of strategic investments to ensure the achievement of performance targets and long-term financial stability. The postholder will take the lead on benchmarking and value for money reviews to ensure best practice and optimal use of resources.